Freemasonry has been a part of New Braunfels, Texas since the 1800s, and some of our city’s finest men have filled our ranks. We have one of the most active Masonic lodges in the state.
The Wisdom of Freemasonry
New Braunfels
Masonic Center
For Men
Evening lodge
New Braunfels Masonic Lodge #1109 meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every month. Visitors are welcome at 6:30m. Our Stated Meeting starts at 7:30pm.
For Men
Daylight Lodge
Prairie Lea Lodge #114 meets on the 2nd Monday of every month. Visitors are welcome at 12:30pm. Our Stated Meeting starts at 1pm.
For Women & Men
Eastern Star
Order of Eastern Star New Braunfels Chapter #771 meets on the 2nd Monday of every month at 7:30pm. Visitors welcome at 6:30pm
For Boys
Order of Demolay
DeMolay International is an international fraternal organization for young men ages 12 to 21, focusing on character building and leadership. It’s also fun.
For Girls
The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls is a Masonic youth service organization that teaches leadership training through community service.
For The Community
Library & Museum
New Braunfels Masonic Center has an extensive Masonic library and many historical gems that are open to the community by appointment.

Fraternal Greetings
Welcome to New Braunfels Masonic center
Welcome to New Braunfels Masonic Lodge #1109 of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas. I am Sandy Newman, Worshipful Master of the lodge which has been serving New Braunfels for 109 years.
Our membership over the years has included many distinguished men from the community including judges, state legislators, educators, law enforcement and many well-known businessmen throughout the community. Come visit and I’m sure you’d recognize many of the photos and names hanging on our walls.
The lodge’s philanthropic activities include but are not limited to providing scholarships to graduating seniors and stipends to local teachers. We provide dental kits to area children as part of our Fantastic Teeth Program and we support the local foodbank with donations.
Remember, to be one you must ask one.
About Freemasonry
Timeless Wisdom & brotherly love
Moral Development
Freemasons are given a unique experience of ancient wisdom that improves their character.
Deep Connection
Freemasonry offers men of diverse backgrounds a deep sense of brotherhood.
Spiritual insight
The Masonic experience helps strengthen one’s faith in deity, and supports those with the desire to discover the mysteries of the human experience.
Masons believe the highest virtue is charity and helping others whenever possible.
The most important events in life are experienced with rituals (weddings/funerals). Masonry uses ritual to impart its timeless wisdom.
Community & Family
New Braunfels is one of the most active lodges in Texas. We have many activities throughout the year that are fun for the whole family.